
End of year dinner.. or is it party?

I have heard a lot of things about this dinner you organise at the end of the year in Antella, but I would like to know more...

- Describe the place and the things you can do there, has it changed over the years?

- Do you go there during the rest of the year or only at the end of June?

- Write about the last time you were there, or the most memorable moments you have spent on this special day.

- What can be done to preserve natural sites as this one in Antella.

PS: Please try to answer all the questions.. don't just give me stories on how drun.... sorry on how much fun you have there.


  1. Well, l'Assut of Antella is a really beautiful place it has very cold water from Riu Xúquer, and trees and swings for children. Oh and a lot of turists go there, specially in August, when you can't even see the water because its FULL of maxupixus. LOL
    There you can swim, sunbathe, scare ducks, and drink and eat in the Barracons. In Antella is a tradition to drin Canari in the Barracons, it's a drink that consists in Casalla, Lemonade, Sugar I think, And Strawberry or Lemon Ribes.

    I only go there in summer because even in this season the water is very cold. And in winter the Barracons are closed.

    Everytime I go there i have a good time, because I go with my friends and it is very funny.

    Well, first of all people should stipo throwing stuff to the water, because if they do, it goes dirty....

    I love l'Assut of Antella (L) Lol

    Bye x

  2. I'm agree with Cris, L'assut of Antella is the most beautiful place of my village because is a natural site whose the "pikiwallos" invade in summer...

    In summer I go every day with my friends and it's well but at the weekend there are so many "pikiwallos" that it is impossible to be there...

    For me this site is better at the night because my friends drink a bit...lalala and suddenly we thrown us for the "paredó" and swim in the river.
    Finally,I think that for preserve this site the pikiwallos must throw the bottles of drink to the wastebasket and not to the river and they mustn't swim after eating to avoid deaths...


  3. Hello I´m Josep.

    I coincide with Cristina, l´Assut is a natural beautiful place. It is a part of Xuquers river.
    There I have very good memories, because is the final of the course and we since 1r of E.S.O. had go celebrate this.

    Normally we have to lunch in the Barracons, is my second favourite place of Antella (clearly, my first is l´Assut,well really this places are the same). Normally we buy our lunches in a bar called "bar la plaça", the first two years we lunched in this bar and then we go to l´Assut.

    At the lunch we start to drinking a tipical alcohol drink called "canari", then all the people go to swim except a few group, this group continue drinking and then we go to the river and swim to feel better jaja.

    This is the normal plan when my class go to l´Assut.
    That´s all (sorry for the mistakes xD)


  4. Sorry, I´m Josep again jaja, I´m now here because I forgot the last question. I think preserve natural places is all people´s responsability. The people, specially teenagers don´t have any social or natural compromise. You only have to go out and you can see a lot of papers, plastics etc.
    If we continue doing this, the natural places will disappear.
    That´s the true bye jaja.

  5. If I had to choose a landscape among the Valencian ones, I'm sure I would choose Antella's Assut.
    It's a construction on the part of the river Xúquer which passes by Antella. King James the I ordered to build it, he wanted Antella to have some floodgates. In 1982 the Tous reservoir broke and the Assut got destroyed by the flood, and so they had to rebuild most of it, and of course they had to change the floodgates. However, the old ones remain there inside their building which is next to the barracons.
    There are two bars called barracons next to the Assut, I mean, the only thing which separates them from the water are a few stairs. One of them is owned by the hus... I mean, it's propierty of the Town Council and the other one belongs to a man called Diego. When we organise a dinner, we normally go to Diego's.
    The Assut is known because there you can swim, subathe and relax in the bars - and it's free. People usually go there during summers, but I don't like how it looks in these months because it's stressing to me. There are loads of people -mainly on weekends- and a lot of noise. I prefer going to the Assut in summer nights, it's when I feel the happiest. I can't describe what means to me listening the water running while feeling the fresh breeze under the moon and the stars which are easily seen in a little village without pollution...
    Last time I went to have lunch with my classmates there was when we finished 3r ESO. I remember that before starting the meal my mother came crying towards me... because she had just known my qualifications xD I didn't know wether to cry or to laugh.... Then we had lunch and I went quickly home because I don't like swimming in the Assut. I know it sounds impossible coming from an Antella young girl, but until September water runs down the stone and it's difficult to walk without falling... What's more the year before I had been just two times in the Assut, and during the second one I broke my hand, so I didn't want to know anything about swimming there. I hope this year I can get a better memory of the dinner... Although I'm just going because I want to wear my letter students' t-shirt!
    How to preserve the Assut is such a difficult question. At fist, I think it should be forbidden to do picnics or other kind of dinners near the river, because then people throw their rubbish to the watter and it isn't nice to swim with a Coca-cola empty can. We should also forbide dogs in the bath area, they are theorycally forbbiden but their owners still take them there, which is disgusting. And the town council should contract people who are unemployed to watch people are obeying the rules and to clean it every night.

    (Isn't this composition too serious to be mine?)

  6. I think that going to Antella in summer is the best thing that students do

    This place is beautiful,and people enjoy it a lot because it's the last day of school and people are happy so they get drunk and forget all the things that they have learnt during the year.=)

    You can have lunch in the Barracó or you can have lunch in a bar and then down to the barracó ''de head''(de cap).
    If you have lunch in the Barracó you can pay a Paella and eat it.
    After the lunch,people starts drinking and after 2 minutes you can't talk with anyone because they aren't listening to you,that's why people like coming to Antella :P

    When you finish saying people : don't shout! you can go to L'Assut and have a bath with cold,cold water,but as Josep said there are always some groups of people who's drinking or sunbathing,or simply people who don't want have a bath because it's letting his dinner going down(as me).

    Well,next lunch at Barracó,is it right? :D we hope your coming Michael.


  7. yeah, we HOPE that YOU come! :)

  8. Hi Michael!

    We always go to antella at the end of the year because this place has many good things.. we lunch there, you can buy sandwiches or as said Davi we can pay a Paella, and then you can go to swimming or sunbathing , but the water usually is very cold, so we stay in the Barracó taking refreshments and another that aren't refreshments..XD
    You can spend hours there with the friends and teachers(eh, Michael XD), talking, laughing and drinking.

    I go to “l’assut” In summer with my friends or my sister.. we go to the morning, lunch there and in the afternoon we return home. Also In August is “la baixa del riu ” It’s a day that many people from different places come tu antella with plastic boats or boats made by themselves and down the river until Alcantera.

    The last time were in 2008..we went to eat, swam and drink with the teachers, this night was our graduation dinner, we arrived a house at 9 o’clock and the dinner was at 9.30/9.45…
    Finally, I think that people shouldn't left the rubbish in the lawn and above not throw to the water.

    And that’s all, I hope to see you this year, because maybe this is the last year with us.. and I hope that you invite us to something, jajaja :P!! well.. we invite you since we are more XDXD

    Andrea Pla!!!

  9. Well, as my friends have said, we like a lot l'Assut d'Antella because is a natural place and it is next to our villages, (this is the tipical thing)xD, but what we really love, is that in there, there are most of our teachers and all of our classmates, and what's more, you can drink and drink and drink all the time with everybody and nobody can say you anything!!!

    The best of this day is that school has finished and Summer starts. It is the last day that you can enjoy your friends and teachers, and it is so funny to see some teachers getting drunk...like one year ago xD, (Whith doesn't mean that we want to see you drunk, Michael...xD)

    Sometimes I go to l'Assut d'Antella in Summer with my friends or brother, but people know that it isn't the same...
    About the most memorable moments in l'Assut, I think it is clear that "el dinar de l'Assut" (this is the way we called this day) is the best day of the year, and I'm sure that I speak in name of all the stdudents of IES Càrcer xD.

    In my opinion, everybody should preserve l'Assut, because if it doesn't happen, finally we can't do this paty.

    And...Michael, I remember you that Davi and I have to invite you, so you can't miss it xD.


  10. Hi, michael it's my firts comment here,and I didn't go to place where we wiil dinner, so I don't can comment for this topic. when I can entry here again if there is a topic that I can comment I will do it.

    All of the stadium!!
    it's a cry!!
    We are the ''bluered'' people!!
    we have a name, everybody know it!!

    bye bye.


  11. Hello!!

    I'm the only person who doesn't comment it!! Very bad... xD.

    L'assut is a very beatiful place and I love it. I go to this place only in summer. I don't swim in here because the water is very cold and I don't like to swim in the river.
    I prefer to stay in the Barracó with my friends...talking...drinking...xD

    In August I go with my friends and they try to down the river with a poor boat made with bottles, wood,sticks...I assume that we can't down the river with our poor boat and go to the Barracó...is more easy :D

    When we have maths or physics exam I go to grandmother's Davi house to study and I see the assut and I wish to arrive the 23rd of June.

    The 23rd of June is an excellent day because we finish the school uuuuuueeeeee!!! We celebrate it in l'assut and the students invite their teachers. This day the students and the teachers forget that we are students or teachers and all the people are friends...maybe this is because of the canari's effects...xD
    This year we haven't got graduation dinner...maybe we start eating the lunch in l'assut and we finish eating the dinner...! I hope to practise the parabolic shoot ( http://www.tuenti.com/#m=Photo&func=view_photo&collection_key=1-62934149-510882150-62505119 )lol!

    In my opinion l'assut is a place which we have to preserve .People mustn't throw rubbish in it, don't have to broke anything,...

    And that's all!!

    We will see in l'assut!!

    Aspas, Andrea.
